Culture and Identity
At Sunshine Childcare we believe it is important that children are confident in their own culture and understand and respect other cultures.
We understand Te Tiriti o Waitangi plays a significant role in the revitalisation of Māori language and culture and is an important part of Aotearoa / New Zealand. We ensure all New Zealand children, regardless of ethnicity, are given the opportunity to learn about and experience, both Pākeha and Māori culture. We recognise that to achieve this:
- Te Reo Māori will be spoken, heard, and visible across the environment and used for a range of purposes.
- Children’s home languages and cultural practices are heard and seen in the environment.
- Kaiako use teaching strategies which reflect tikanga Māori, including karakia, narrative, song, art, and movement.
- Experiences and opportunities are taken for the modeling of non-discriminatory practice.
- Kaiako integrate te reo and tikanga Māori into all aspects of the service curriculum, including routines, rituals and regular events.
- Children display a strong sense of environmental awareness and care, including consideration of both the natural (living) world and the physical (non-living) environment.
- Celebrations of children’s individual cultures, cultural distinctiveness and potential happen frequently.
- Kaiako work in partnership with families, whānau and iwi to learn about each child’s culture (where children come from and what they bring with them, the values, customs, rituals, and practices that are important to the child and to identify meaningful ways to include these in the curriculum.).
- Kaiako engage with families and whānau and work together to determine learning pathways.
- Important events are acknowledged and celebrated to foster children’s sense of worth and belonging within the environment.
- Children have opportunities to share aspects of their culture with others in the service.