Individual Learning Journey Portfolios
Your child’s learning will be documented in their own personal portfolio. This will include learning stories, photos, anecdotes, artwork, and parent contributions and will show your child’s journey of growth through their time at Sunshine.
Te Whariki - The Early Childhood Curiculum
Te Whāriki is the Ministry of Education's early childhood curriculum policy statement.
It is a framework for providing tamariki (children's) early learning and development within a sociocultural context.
It emphasises the learning partnership between kaiako (teachers), parents, and whānau/families. Kaiako (teachers) weave an holistic curriculum in response the learning and development of tamariki in the early childhood setting and the wider context of the child's world.
(Te whariki, 2017)
Learning Stories - what are they and why are the important?
Learning stories are about documenting, through narratives, what children can do and what they are learning. They represent learning as essentially a dynamic, evolving, and on-going process.
Learning Stories make learning visible to the learning community, so they can foster on-going diverse learning opportunities.
These learning stories are based on your child’s interests, skills, schema and interactions with their teachers, peers and the environment. They are collaborative with you, whanau as we use your aspirations to help guide our plans for your child's development.
If a child is interested in something and feels confident he/she is more likely to get involved and learn more from these positive experiences.